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Orgreen model Human-1263: Klasyczna kolekcja okularów

ORGREEN Human-1263 HUMAN-1263

Orgreen: Human-1263 + Oryginalny miękki lub twardy futerał do wszystkich okularów (w zależności od rodzaju), oraz oryginalne potwierdzenie.

Human-1263 Orgreen
1263(Mat Sky Captain Black/Shiny Gun)
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- Collection:IMAGINARY LINES - A combination of 100% pure titanium and beta-titanium. A sharp almond shape characterizes Human, a recent addition to our IMAGINARY LINES collection, adding new flavor to a classic female style, offered in both primary and neutral hues. The radically pointy shape creates a unique, uplifting expression in the wearer, while soldered drop end pieces and bridge in high quality titanium ensure a robust foundation to this delicate frame. Silicone nose pads and end-tips ensure comfort and minimal temple design in this exciting female style.

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