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Orgreen model Interstellar-3742: Klasyczna kolekcja okularów

ORGREEN Interstellar-3742 INTERSTELLAR-3742

Orgreen: Interstellar-3742 + Oryginalny miękki lub twardy futerał do wszystkich okularów (w zależności od rodzaju), oraz oryginalne potwierdzenie.

Interstellar-3742 Orgreen
3742(Just Greener/Shiny Gold)
Size According
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Size According
- Collection:QUANTUM HIGH - A combination of titanium and Polyamide. This female QUANTUM HIGH style takes the best of its series beta titanium wire temples with accent colors, an integrated hinge system, and bespoke silicone nose pads and pushes towards a cool, modern look by way of its geometric, hexagon shape. The deep lens creates an oversized look and works to open up the eye shape of any wearer, supported by a minimal eye rim dimension that produces a concave profile. A powerful statement with subtle cosmetic advantages.

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Soczewki z dioptramii, należące do tego modelu
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