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Orgreen model IO-1206: Klasyczna kolekcja okularów

ORGREEN IO-1206 IO-1206

Orgreen: IO-1206 + Oryginalny miękki lub twardy futerał do wszystkich okularów (w zależności od rodzaju), oraz oryginalne potwierdzenie.

IO-1206 Orgreen
1206(Mat Asphalt/Mat Orange)
Size According
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Size According
- Collection:SHEET TITANIUM - A combination of 100% pure titanium and beta-titanium. A modern yet traditional addition to our vast range of titanium frames, IO is a medium sized rectangular male titanium style in a classic, timeless design. The silicone nose pads and lightweight material make IO one of our most comfortable frames to date and its elegant design, subtle details, and color combinations such as Mat Dark Blue, Mat Silver and Mat Black Mat, Cedar Green make this style a versatile, timeless option for the quality conscious male.

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